Angela Cavenaghi Lessa

Angela Cavenaghi Lessa is full professor at the Universidade Católica de São Paulo, lecturer at the English Language Undergraduate Course and at the Post Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics (LAEL). She was Head of the English Department, Deputy Director of the Human Sciences Centre and is now the Vice-Coordinator of the Post Graduate Program in LAEL. She is the leader of the research group Inclusão Linguistica em Cenários de Atividades Educacionais (ILCAE)  which carries on researches on the area of Special Needs Education (SNE), Violence in School and  Critical Literacy. Her present SNE research projects grounded on the Social Historical and Cultural Theory aim at discussing (1) new theoretical and methodological perspectives of Vygotsky´s work,  with special emphasis on Defectolofy and (2) the impact of new media at school. She has got several papers published in the areas.

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